Functional design / 實用設計 瑪瑙綠II / Agate Green No.2 瑪瑙綠I / Agate Green No.1 黑與白系列- 漾 / Black and White Series- Ripple 黑與白系列- 墨韻II / Black and White Series- Ink Flow No.2 黑與白系列- 墨韻I / Black and White Series- Ink Flow No.1 Vase No.5 Vase No.4 Vase No.3 Vase No.2 Vase No.1 Teapot No.3 Teapot No.2 Teapot No.1 Cup No.4 Cup No.3 Cup No.2 Cup No.1 Mug No.8 Mug No.7 Mug No.6 Mug No.4 Mug No.3 Mug No.2 Mug No.1